Random-for her

20 04 2012

here am i..

with my fingers on the keypad..

eyes to the monitor and head following the keystrokes..

midst of all, my heart pounding with emotions..

here am i..

sitting by her side..

watching the calmness on her face..

peacefulness in her breath..

here am i..

recollecting my thoughts..

of her smiling face and dancing lips..

of her utter surprises and the beam of glee..

here am i..

a better me than ever..

an angel’s hand and her immense love..

transforms me over and over..

here am i..

together with her..

with all my love from core and beyond..

wishing her the best of everything and all..

My lifetime SUPERHEROine

8 03 2012

There are small things happening each day that have a tremendous impact on the next wouldbe events..though I usually do not heed to those occurrences but off late I have been a little different person than I was..thanks to my wife who keeps on inspiring me wit her thought provoking ideas..who has a particular ability to perceive and interpret things  that is very much uncommon and unique..defining her..
I have been observing things happening between us more intently than before.
and I would like to share one incident though very silly yet chalks out to be one very powerful deciding force in my daily life..
Everyday when I leave for office she kisses me good bye n tells me to come back home early.. She tells me that very often.. and today when I was thinking of it, I realized that almost 90% of the time she asked me to come soon, I actually turned up early.. and when she did not tell it, i ended up toiling late in office.. I dnt knw whether it’s the force and determination and love with which she tells me to be back early everyday or it is the magic of I nodding my head in confirmation that i will be back early..but either ways it works 😉
though i strongly feel its the first one, it has always been the first one in our lives..she has turned me into a beautiful person..
But the fact is her power and positive attitude has a positive effect in the events that are yet to occur in my life..and as i mentioned earlier it has always been that way..i am today a better person than I was before..
she is indeed my lifetime SUPERHEROine!!! 🙂 🙂

[P.S. Today when i had been to home for lunch, she was in her deep raging state.
I asked her what happened, she simply replied, “Earthquake” 🙂  her way of telling that her mind is cluttered right now and i better not ask her again “what happened” 🙂 🙂
Also no “come home early” message. I am just praying hard, that I leave early today!!  ]

The Power as a Child

25 06 2011

A strange thought crossed my mind while I sat at the station with my mind n head buried in the book I was reading; Occasionally catching up with the sights of kids running shouting singing n playing around me. The energy n vigor they displayed was tremendous, something worth observing. I could sense a positive attitude in them towards life.their activities and their abilities. Even though at their age they do not understand what is attitude or what is life. But again I thought may be because they do not understand these complexities they are happy they are as they are. Without any manipulations show offs ego pride.An air of calm serene n peaceful aura surrounded them.
And it instantly crossed my mind that I was the same years before. In fact we all are the same at that age. Full of energy n vitality. With limitless boundaries of dreams n activities and with absolutely no inhibitions at all. And when I put myself in their place a strange strong force revitalizes me from within. With no doubt further I recognized it.The power we are, we all are gifted with from birth. Over the years of our growth we tend to loose it. Today you ask me to run a 100 mts n I will find myself puffing out my lungs half way through, ask me to do a job, I will start that with a  list of cans n cant’s do’s n dont’s n by the time I start the work I would have lost half of my enthusiasm. Through these years many of us.Rather most of us tend to loose the physical n mental abilities that we happen to possess as a child. We end up putting our brains into so many complex tasks that it blurs our view from the simplest n may be more important things in life. What would happen if we keep honing those skills right from our childhood n adding new more every year as we grow?? Probably lot more stronger n unstoppable in our attitude plans n actions. It could have been a completely new life a new world.
A completely new me and you.

Power of Love

22 06 2011

Have you ever wondered how parents take care of their kids well being in spite of all odds, or a thrifty boy spends a hell lot of money to gift chocolates and flowers for his girl, or for that matter how about a restive would-be boyfriend awaits patiently for his would-be girlfriend just to have a cup of coffee with her – all these are quite common to see and hear in our daily lives but have we ever wondered how it all happens?? How can a person change his inherent intrinsic characteristics and style of living for others?? How can it be possible at all??

Thats “Love”  and the “Power of Love” ..

Well we might have never realized it earlier than now that we all have this super power named Love in us. Which explains my initial assumption that we all are super heroes in our own ways.

Love makes a non-vegetarian to a vegetarian, stupid to smart, a spendthrift to thrifty or other way round 😉 . And on a  more serious note it shows direction to the aimless, a hand to the needy, a support for the broken, and much much more than I can either think,  or put in words.

Why did Mother Teresa devoted her whole life for the well being of the needy or downtrodden, Why did Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi suffered their whole lives struggling for freedom – Its their Love for People who turned the ordinary person in them into something extraordinary.

What about Albert Einstein or a Marie Curie – their Love for Science made them come out with distinguished things which changed the lives of many, the way we look and perceive things.

The list goes endless if I start writing down the names of people who have etched their mark in the sands of the history.

But there are many names from my neighborhood, my city, my country, of people who are very ordinary but have had left a tremendous impression on the society.  They are so many in number whom we meet everyday but fail to recognize.

And today when I thought about it all, I realized that  all these people could realize the power of love within them and around them and put in every effort to harness every bit of it. Love, Peace and Compassion are powerful enough to bring about positive changes in people, society and everything  and everyone around us. So if people realize these powers within themselves, act in accordance with them persistently, they themselves develop the aura of Super heroism around them which in turn brings in positive influences and changes in their lives.

So relax now you already possess the first and foremost super power “Love” within yourself. All you need to do is give some time to explore it, work for it and respect it once you have it.

Today I am a better person than I was and its because of “Love”.

Who is a Superhero?

14 06 2011

Superheroes are not born with special powers thrusted on them and neither do they have any extra  accessories as in a third eye to burn down the evil or a second nose to sniff out the whereabouts of the bad guys miles away or a numero uno tail that can unleash fatal venom when needed.
Though even I believe that there are people born with some special abilities. But what I feel is that possessing such special abilities does not make a person Superhero.
Superheroes are born from the virtue of their actions in day to day life which affect people around him/her directly or indirectly.
We meet so many of them everyday but fail to recognize them because we never tried to recognize the one within ourselves.
A child is a superhero for her mother, a husband to his wife, a friend to his best friend and so on..Each and everyone of us have this power hidden in some remote corners of his/her self. All it needs is a simple effort to understand and unlock the potential of that power which has the magical abilities to bring about positive changes around him/her. All it takes is a little bit of daily introspection and understanding the very fact that each and every action of his/her directly or indirectly is going to influence people around.
But as Superheroes are always accompanied by Villians, so does the positive changes with negative ones. And hence it boils down to knowing and learning from the beginning as to what actions are correct and what are not correct, the difference between Good Virtue and a bad one, to do and don’t do. But I know understanding this is not a matter of day or two, its a life long process and we need to be in it all through. So I feel superheroes are always evolving in nature. Their powers and abilities grow deeper and more powerful day by day, year by year, experience by experience. It takes a lifetime of hard work to be a Superhero and not everyone find themselves unlocking all the powers whilst at the gates of heaven and those who succeed in doing that, live through eternity.